Madras Agricultural Journal
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Sugarcane Cultivation. In the Northern taluks of Ganjam District.


                                The cultivation of this important, indus- trial crop is done in small and scattered areas in the district. Condi- tions in the Northern Taluks seem to favour more extensive and concentrated cropping. A copious supply of sub-soil moisture, plen- tiful rainfall from June to December and well drained loamy soils of a good depth help good growth, while the sugar factory at Aska creates a good demand for the raw material. However, in recent years, owing to the rise in prices, and the heavy cost of cultiva- tion, want of cheap credit, risky nature of cultivation, the area under sugar-cane has been on the decline. A deficient supply of water under the Rushikulya system, due to the uncertain pre- monsoon showers, and absence of a good number of wells in the cane growing areas, are responsible for the restricted cane area. The extent of cane cultivated by each ryot varies from one bharanam to four bharanams (one bharanam=20 cents)

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