Madras Agricultural Journal
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Rural Enquiries at Appuneri (Tinnevelly Dt)


                                The village-Appuneri, the agricultural practices of which village are detailed in the following paragraphs, is situated about three miles to the north of the Cotton Breeding Station. Koilpatti and is otherwise known as Palaya Appuneri to distinguish it from one of its hamlets of the same name. Lakshmiammalpuram is the second hamlet attached to the village. 250 houses with a total population of 2,100 souls, of which nearly half the number con- sists of Kammavar Naickers and the other half of Maravas, Shep- herds and Pallars, constitute the entire village. The hamlet, Lakshmiammalpuram, is solely inhabited by Pallars. A small school of a type common in most villages is situated just outside the village proper.

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