Madras Agricultural Journal
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SGM. BV.2-A New Promising Betel Vine Variety


                                At Sugarcane Research Station, Sirugamani, Betelvine germplasm was collected, maintained and evaluated. From the germplasm pool of 43 entries, four clones were subjected for further testing. They were as follows: SGM 1, Karpuri clone, Vellaikodi clone and Dindugal clone. Among the four entries tested and forwarded at the AICRP-Betelvine Centre, Sirugamani and in 27 multilocations of Tamil Nadu, the Dindugal clone viz., SPb 12 excelled all other entries. The yield increase was 9.80, 19.00 and 51.64 per cent respectively, compared to SGM 1, Karpuri clone and Vellaikodi clone. The improved clone registered high protein content of 3.45 per cent, total carbohydrate of 6.63 per cent, vitamin 'C' of 10.28 mg/100g and Eugenol content of 0.08 per cent and the same was released as SGM.BV.2.

Key words : Betelvine, Sesbania, Live support, Masticatory, Dioecious, Orthotropic, Plagiotropic.


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