Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                A model on integrated farming system to suit the small and marginal farmers under gardenland conditions was studied during 1988 to 1993 at Gardenlands of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore with the aim, to achieve better utilisation of available resources for obtaining maximum returns by integrating cropping, dairy, spawn production, bio-gas and sylviculture, to recycle farm and livestock wastes effectively, to provide gainful employment throughout the year, to assure stability in production and return. The model integrating the components cropping, dairy, spawn production, bio-gas and syluriculture were contemplated in this study. The receipt, expenditures and net income for the integrated model for the farm as a whole was studied over a period of five years (1988-1993). Mean net income of 1988 to 1993 in integrated farming system (IFS) and conventional cropping system (CCS) was Rs.34584 and Rs.13496 ha-1 respectively. Integrated farming system thus provides an additional mean net income of Rs.20638 ha over a period of five years by way of effective recycling. The employment opportunity in the new IFS with proposed components was enhanced to the tune 770 man days per year over CCS. The results of five years study revealed that by way of integrating agricultural allied enterprises with crop activity, the standard of living of the farmer, income per unit area per unit time and employment opportunity for the family were enhanced over the CCS.

Key words : Integrated Farming System, Garden Lands, Economics


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