p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:82, Issue:feb-feb
DOI: set of 35 interspecific hybrids obtained by crossing seven genotypes of bajra (Pennisetum americanum) as line parents with five genotypes of Napier grass P.purpureum) as tester parents were studied for their combining ability and for identification of superior hybrids for further multiplication. A good degree of genetic diversity was noticed in both within and between the species for all forage yield characters excepting stem thickness. Bajra had comparatively larger extent of variability for plant height and leaf breadth and Napier grass for tillers per clump, leaves per tiller, leaf length, stem thickness and green forage yield. Both additive and non-additive gene action, the latter being preponderant, were found important in the inheritance of forage yield and its components. Line parents No.2 and No.3 were the outstanding general combiners for four characters, including forage yield in parent No.2 and plant height in parent No.3. Among the tester parents, FD 464 was a good combiner for plant height, leaves per tiller and leaf length. As many as 28 crosses could be identified to be superior in performance for any one or few characters. Nine crosses manifested high heterosis for green forage yield. The cross No.3/FD.437 could be singled out as the most promising one as it had shown high heterosis for all the seven characters simultaneously, mostly accounted by superior s.c.a. Another cross No.2/FD 437 showed remarkable heterosis for five characters viz. plant height, leaves per tiller, leaf breadth, stem thickness and green forageyield. Heterosis observed for many characters in the interspecific the Bajra-Napier hybrids manifesting heterosis for forage yield components would help to maintain a high level of forage production.
Key words : Heterosis, Combining Ability, Bajra, Napier Grass
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