p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 82, Issue: feb-feb,
Field studies were conducted with 2 scented rice varieties (Basmati-370 and IET 8580) during kharif and rabi (1988-89) by adopting different 'N' levels (0,20,40,60 and 80) and 3 spacings (20x10; 20x15 and 20x20 cm) to assess the nature of 'N' and density of population influencing yield and high density grain. High density grain number was prominently high at 40 kg N/ha in both the seasons and further increase reflected in excessive vegetative growth and lodging during wet season. The yield and HD grain number were relatively higher during dry season. Overall, the study inferred that for exploiting potential yields and high density grain in scented rice, an optimum population of 50 hills/m² at 40-60 N would be sufficient.
Keywords: Yield, High Density Grain, N level, Scented Rice
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