p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 82, Issue: feb-feb,
Field experiments were conducted on red soils (Typic Ustorthent) at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Farm of Agricultural Research Station, Bhavanisagar to study direct, residual and cumulative effect of applied Zn to IR 20 rice. The continuous application of ZnSO4 at 25 kg per ha for every season of rice crop significantly increased grain and straw yield and resulted in 17 per cent increase in grain yield over NPK treated control. Application of ZnSO4 at 50 kg for first crop resulted in residual effect of Zn with increase in the grain yield of two subsequent crops. Similar trend was also observed for the level of 75 kg ZnSO4/ha. Residual effect of ZnSO4 application at 100 kg/ha to first crop was observed for five subsequent rice crops.
Keywords: Zinc Effect, Rice, Red Soils
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