Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                The Effect of irrigation regimes, methods of irrigation and coir- pith application to soil wasstudied through a field experiment conducted at the Agricultural College and Research Insitutute, Madurai during 1984 and 1985. The results revealed that higher soil moisture regime of 0.90 IW/CPE ratio recorded higher cane yield than alternate furrow method. Under alternate furrow method of irrigation, the moisture contribution from irrigated furrow to unirrigated furrow was less resulting in low cane -yield. Application of coir pith at 15t ha¹ was found to be optimum. However, under contraints of irrigation water, imigation can be scheduled at 0.75 IW/ CPE ratio adopting alternate furrow method of irrigation coupled with an application of coir pith at 15 t ha -1 for achieving a reasonable cane yield in sugarcane.

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