Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                To study the effect of three levels of nitrogen (N) (0.40 and 80 g/m²) and three levels of phosphorus (P) (0.150 and 300 g/m²) involving four varieties of tuberose, viz single, double, semidouble and variegated, experiments were conducted in 1990-91 and 1991-92. Application of highest dose of P contributed maximum plant height, while, N did not respond to this character. N and P applications were also not found effective for other vegetative attributes as compared to interaction application. Interaction influence of these nutrients in these strains was found to be very effective for almost all the growth characters except diameter of leaf. But the combined application of both the nutrients was not beneficial in the present set of material.

Key words : Tuberose, Nutritional Treatment, Cutflower


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