Madras Agricultural Journal
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The preparation and use of different grades of composts has created a need for assessing the quality of the composts. A mature compost is hygienic and humified so that it improves soils and nourishes plants. An immature compost emits foul odours, may injure plants and pollute the environment. Assessing the maturity of the compost is however, a difficult task due to the present incomplete understanding of the parameters involved. Numerous indices that have been proposed in the literature for determining the maturity are reviewed in this article. Upon review, it is concluded that none of the parameters discussed is 90 per cent sure of deciding the quality. Combination of methods is required to test the quality standard. However, most of the methods are costly and require sophisticated instrumentation. Reliable methods and protocols are summarised for perfection.

Keywords: Compost, Maturity, Evaluation, Parameters


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