Madras Agricultural Journal
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FLORAL CHARACTERISTICS IN Gossypium hirsutum AND G.barbadense COTTON


                                Flower characters viz... length of ovary, style, stigma and pistil, number of ovules and anthers and diameter of pollen in Gossypium hirsutum and G.barbadense cotton were studied. The range of variability was found to be more for pollen diameter in G.hirsutum and for number of anthers in G.barbadense while it was low for length of ovary in both the species. The length of ovary and length of stigma were more or less same in both the species. The value for length of style, length of pistil, number of anthers and pollen diameter were greater in G.barbadense than in G.hirsutum. Numbers of ovules were more in G.hirsutum cotton.

Key words : Cotton, Floral Characteristics


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