p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:83, Issue:jan-jan
DOI: and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability, and expected genetic advance were studied for grain yield and its contributing characters in 34 varieties of chickpea at the Agricultural Research Station. Durgapura, Jaipur during rabi season. The highest value of genotypic and phenotypic coefficients were obtained in 1000 grain weight. High heritability estimates were obtained for all the characters under study. Thousand grain weight and grain yield per plant had fairly good value of genetic advance as percentage of mean along with high heritability and therefore these characters may be considered reliable for selection in chickpea. Correlation studies revealed that grain yield per plant showed significant positive genotypic correlation with pods per plant and 1000 grain weight, while it showed negative genotypic correlation with plant height and days to flower
Key words : Coefficient of Variation, Heritability, Genetic Advance, Correlation
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