Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Moisture on Physical Properties of Sunflower Seed and Kernel (var. CO 2)


                                Physical properties of the produce are important in designing and manufacturing of harvest and postharvest machines. Physical properties of sunflower (var. CO 2) seed and kernel were determined as a function of moisture content in the range of 6 to 18 per cent dry basis (% d.b). The axial dimensions, geometric mean diameter, surface area, volume, sphericity and aspect ratio were found to be increasing linearly for seeds and kernels. Furthermore, in the above moisture range, thousand kernel weight, true density, porosity and the angle of repose also increased linearly for both seed and kernel whereas, bulk density decreased linearly with the increase of moisture content for all the sunflower variety under study. The results showed that the static coefficient of friction on four different surfaces of plywood, mild steel, galvanized iron and glass also increased linearly for both sunflower seed and kernel when the moisture content increased from 6 to 18% d.b.

Key words : Sunflower, Physical properties, Moisture content, var. CO 2.


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