Madras Agricultural Journal
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Improving Vigour and Viability of TNAU Blackgram cv.CO 6 (Vigna mungo (L) Hepper) through Iodination


                                An investigation was undertaken to standardize the iodination treatment, its dosage and duration of exposure to improve seed vigour and viability in blackgram using halogen with two different doses viz., 500 and 1000 mg of iodine; at three different durations (12, 24, 36h); with (2 g. kg-1 of seeds) and without carrier using fresh, aged treated and treated aged seeds. About 500 mg of iodine for 12 to 24h duration with carrier @ 2 g kg-1 of seeds could bring the desired advantages in all the three lots and performed better in terms of germination and seedling vigour. Germination improvement was 10, 14, and 14 per cent in fresh seeds, aged treated seeds and treated aged seeds, respectively.

Key words : Blackgram, fresh seeds, aged seeds, treated aged seeds, iodination, carrier


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