Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genetic Diversity in Mungbean [Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek] Genotypes based on K-Mean Determination


                                The present study was conducted with 36 genotypes of mungbean to assess the extent and pattern of genetic divergence. Cluster analysis exhibited that genotypes fall into seven clusters, in which cluster I is mono genotypic, indicated the distinctness of this genotype from others. Principle component analysis (PCA) showed that the first four principle components (PC) had eigen value >2.00 and accounted 82.29% of total variation. Based on 2-D/ 3-D diagram and their cluster means, the suitable genotypes may be chosen and involved in hybridization programme for mungbean improvement. Analysis based on harvest index indicated that maximum selection score (SCs) was recorded for 40.1 – 45.0% class interval, can be used as a selection criteria for mungbean improvement.

Key words : Mungbean, Genetic diversity, K-Mean clustering, Selection Score, Trait optimization.


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