p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 86, Issue: apr-jun,
Feild experiments were conducted in Kharif and Rabi 1995-96 on a clay loam soil (Typic Haplustalf)at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.Coimbatore, to test the effect of seedling age(20,25.30.35 and 40 day).nitrogen (N) dose (120.150,180,and 187.5 kg ha) and split application (3.4 and 5) on seedling throwing method of rice planting. The grain yield of rice varied with different seedlings ages. In Rabi, the performance of 20 day old seedlings was not encouraging as there was 15.9 per cent yield reduction compared to older seedlings of 30 to 40 day. The two levels of (150 and 187.5kg/ha) tried did not markedly influence the grain yield in Rabi season. However,a substantial influence in grain yield with applied N was noticed during the season. In both the seasons skipping the basal application of N and increasing the split application increased the grain yield. Application of N in four splits increased the yield by 5.3 per cent during Rabi compared to three splits application. In Kharif season five splits increased the yield to the tune of 3.6 per cent (243kg/ha) as against four splits.
Keywords: Seedling age.N Levels,N split application
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