p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 86, Issue: jan-mar,
The ratio between GCA and SCA variances estimated from 14 parents and their 40 hybrids indicated the predominance of non additive gene action for all the seven characters studied. The line MCU 5 was a positive general combiner for seed oil,seed protein.sced cotton yeild and mean halo length.MCU-9 had negative GCA for total phenol,tannin and gossypol.The best four hybrids identified in this study were MCU-7=X Acala Q/6-1.MCU-5 x ELS 481,MCU-5 x Glandless Acala and LRA 5166 x Deltapine. These hybrid combination had high mean for seed cotton yield.seed oil.seed protein content.high positive sca,and high positive heterosis over the mid parent.
Keywords: Seed oil, Seed protein, Total Phenol, Tannin, and Gossypol
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