p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:86, Issue:jan-mar
DOI:, three-way hybrids involving six parents were tested. The data on 20-pod mass were analysed as per a triallel analysis model. The character showed predominantly epistatic genetic variance. The magnitude of additive x dominance type of epistasis was maximum followed by dominance x dominance and additive gene effects respectively. The dominance and additive x additive type of interactions were negative and considered equal to zero. The cross combination (ALR 2 x JL 24) x Gimar i recorded the highest three-line specific effects, whereas, the other combinations of the same three parents. (Girnar 1 x JL 24) x ALR 2 and (Girnar 1 x ALR 2) x JL 24 exhibited negative estimates.
Key words : Groudnut, Epistasis, Additive gene effects. Order effects
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