Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of inorganic nitrogen, coirpith and biofertilizer on availability and uptake of phosphorus and potassium under maize preceded with sole and intercropped sorghum


                                Experiment was conducted in a mixed black soil to assess the impact of integrated nitrogen- management on availability and uptake of phosphorus and potassium under maize preceded with sole and intercropped sorghum. The cropping system either sole or intercrop failed to influence the availability of P and K in the soil. However, the N levels and composted coirpith coirpith+ biofertilizer and their integration exerted favourable influence on the P and K status. Though the different modes of N aided in the buildup of P in the soil at harvest, depletion was noticed with respect of available K and the N sources reduced the depletion. The inorganic, organic and bio N sources again enhanced the uptake of P and K by maize.

Key words : Maize, Coirpith, Uptake, Availability


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