Madras Agricultural Journal
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Rainfall based cropping system for rainfed vertisols of south Tamil Nadu


                                Field experiments were conducted at Regional Research Station, Aruppukottai to find out a suitable contingent cropping system for late monsoon situation. The treatment combination consisted of ten crops and three sowing times viz., 15th October, 30 October and 15th November. Three years pooled data revealed that pearl millet gave higher gross income of Rs. 5934 ha' when sown on 15th October with the normal onset of monsoon situation. If the rainfall delayed by 15-30 days, sunflower and coriander were. suitable for sowing during 30 October. Under very later monsoon situation upto 15th November, sunflower, horsegram and senna were suitable choice of crops for rainfed vertisols

Key words : Late monsoon, Crops, Contingent cropping


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