Madras Agricultural Journal
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PY6 (Subramania Bharathi): A medium duration high yielding fine rice variety


                                P 2412, a medium duration, high yielding medium slender rice culture was released as PY 6 (Subramania Bharathi) in January, 2000 for general cultivation in Pondicherry and Karaikal regions of the Union Territory of Pondicherry. It matures in 135 to 140 days. It has recorded a mean yield of 5852 kg ha in station trails and 5570 kg ha' in the adaptive research trials/on farm trails. Its overall mean yield in 74 locations (1993 to 1999) was 5534 kg har with 4 (ADT 38) to 19 per cent (Co 43/ I White Ponni) increased yield over checks. It is medium to tall in stature with compact panicle and medium size white boy grain. This variety is moderately resistant to blast and gall midge. PY 6 can be sown in September and is the best alternative to I White Ponni

Key words : PY 6, High yielding, Medium duration, Medium slender rice


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