Madras Agricultural Journal
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Carryover mechanism of pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) in Andhra Pradesh


                                Investigations on the carryover mechanism of pink bollworm from season to season were undertaken during 1998-99 at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. The studies revealed that pink bollworm adults were continuously emerging in the local ginning mills from the seed cotton received regularly from different regions of the state. The damaged and discarded kapas, blo lint and seed in ginning mills were found as the major sources for regular build up of pink bollworm on cotton in this region. Further, the pink bollworm damage was very high in unpickable and discarded bollsmo present on the cotton stubbles and about 1/3 of the damaged bolls harboured live larvae indicating that the cotton stubbles even after harvesting supported high larval population and formed an important link in the old carryover of the pest.

Key words : Pink boll worm, Cotton stubbles


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