Madras Agricultural Journal
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Runoff and erosion control with fodder grass legume mixture in a watershed


                                Performance of different grass legume combinations in controlling runoff and soil loss that occurred in a 3.7 per cent sloppy arable land of the watershed, besides contributing to the fodder requirement of this area was tested in Palar watershed during 1995 1998. Cenchrus ciliaris grass as main crop with legumes recorded significantly superior establishment, growth characters and consequently produced the highest green fodder yield of 30.5 t ha''yr'. Growth and yield performance of Stylosanthes scabra were better and comparable with other legumes. The mixture of the above two species in 3.1 row arrangement, besides yielding better green fodder, reducing runoff and soil erosion to 229.4 mm. yr and 1868 kg kg ha' yr' respectively, which were 21.5 and 58.2 per cent lesser than those occurred in control.

Key words : Watershed, Sloppy arable dry lands, Runoff and soil erosion, Fodder production, Ecosystem


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