Madras Agricultural Journal
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Red rot disease in sugarcane: Challenges and prospects


                                Red rot disease of sugarcane caused by Colletotrichum falcatum Went is the major constraint for sugarcane production in different regions in India and other countries. The pathogen affects the economically valuable stalk tissues leading to crop loss and impaired juice quality. Several epidemics of the disease have resulted in the failure of important commercial varieties in the past. The epiphytotic nature of the disease was noticed in the subtropical regions of the country till 1970s and later such epidemics occur in the tropical region also. Primary infection occurs through dormant infections in infected seed canes and secondary infections occur through water/air borne pathogen inoculum. Disease resistant varieties are being recommended to manage the disease under field conditions. However, development of new pathogen variants causes breakdown of resistant varieties in the field. Selection of red rot resistance in sugarcane progenies became a difficult task due to the existence of higher levels of pathogenic variability. Although breeding programmes yield many resistant clones inheritance of red rot resistance is not known due to genetic complexities in the host. Similarly resistant mechanisms governing disease resistance in sugarcane is not clearly elucidated. Recent studies have indicated possible involvement of certain pathogenesis-related proteins, oxidative enzymes and anthocyanin compounds in red rot resistance. Fungicides are not effective in eliminating disease infections in the setts. An integrated approach for the management of the disease. under field condition has been envisaged time to time. Among the different approaches, going for disease resistant varieties and healthy seed for planting give success in the field.

Key words : Sugarcane: Red rot disease: Integrated management


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