Madras Agricultural Journal
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Stability study for seed yield and yield attributes in lijnseed under rainfed condition


                                Genotype x environment interaction was studied for seed yield and its component characters in 19 genotypes of linseed under five different environment from 1990-91 to 1994-95. Genotype (G) and environment (E) interaction were observed to be significant for all the characters. Most of the characters were influenced by non-linear components of GxE inteactions except days to 50 per cent flowering and number of capsules per plant where both linear and non-linear components were significant but magnitude. of linear components were greater than non-linear. On the basis of stability of linear components characters the genotypes BAU 65-2, RLC 195-4 and BAU 286-5 were found to be most stable with high grain yield over different environment.

Key words : Stability, Linseed, Linum usitatissimum L., Rainfed.


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