Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genotype x environment interaction in castor


                                The phenotype stability of 79 genotypes of castor (60 hybrids and 19 parents) grown over four environments was studied for oil content, seed yield and other related traits. Variance due to genotypes, environments, G x E (liner) components was highly significant for all the traits. However, the liner component was more than the non-liner component except for capsules per plant and 100 seed weight. In general hybrids showed greatest stability for all the traits. The traits like number of nodes up to primary raceme, 100 seed weight and oil content were less affected by the changing environments on the other hand, substantial fluctuations due to change of environments was observed for plant height, length of primary raceme, number of capsules and seed yield per plant. The hybrids JP 65RC 1226, 240 x USSR2, LRES 17JH 120, LRES 17SH * 0.63 and 240 x Salam local were considered to be superior and stable over environments.

Key words : Castor, Ricinus communis, Phenotypic stability


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