Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evaluation of chemical insecticides and botanicals against various stages of spiralling whitefly, (Aleurodicus dispersus Russell) on mulberry


                                Synthetic chemicals and plant products were evaluated against spiralling whitefly (SWF) eggs and nymphs. Ovicidal action was higher in dichlorvos (89.38 per cent) followed by malathion (88.06 per cent) and phosalone (82.96 per cent). Plant products viz., Neem oil (NO)B, Neem oil (NO)A, Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) and Neem oil (NO)+ Pungam oil (PO) C registered the mortality percentage of 59.27, 53.36, 52.08 and 50.99 respectively. Fish oil rosin soap (FORS) and higher in malathion treatment (93.10 per cent) followed by phosalone (90.63 per cent) and dichlorvos (90.42 per cent)

Key words : Aleurodicus dispersus, Mulberry, Insecticides, Eggs and Nymphs


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