Madras Agricultural Journal
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Seed set and seed yield of aggregatum onion (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum Don.)


                                Seed production and its dependent characters were studied in five different ecotypes of aggregatum onion (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum Don.). All the ecotypes recorded cent per cent sprouting. The meant days for sprouting ranged between 3.13 and 6.10 days. Among the ecotypes studied, E, recorded the highest. number of umbels per plant (4.06), highest number of flowers per umbel (317.13), lowest number of leaves per plant (14.83) and least number of days taken for flowering (43.90). Regarding seed set and seed yield also E, yielded 7.02 g of seeds per plant, with a set percentage of 52.05 while E, recorded 92.16 per cent fruit set per umbel. The highest 1000 seed weight of 3.30 g was registered by E, Seeds of all ecotypes retained 40-50 per cent viability upto 6 months of storage.

Key words : Aggregatum onion, Flowering, Seed setting, Seed yield, Seed viability


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