Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of cytozyme granules on the availabillity of nutrients in soil


                                A filed experiment was conducted (1995-96) to study the influence of cytozyme growth regulator on Banana cv. Nendran. The experiment consisted of eight treatments (Cytozyme granules alone at 6, 12 and 18 kg levels and in combination with foliar spray of cytozyme Crop at 0.1 per cent) with four replications in Randomized Block design. Results indicated that the application of cytozyme granules @ 18 kg ha-1 along with 0.1 per cent foliar spray increased the availability of 'N' in soil (22.2%) at 30 days after treatment (DAT) (22.2%) and the 'P' was not at all influenced. Available 'K' and exchangeable 'Ca' was increased by cytozyme application towards the maturity stage, while the influence of exchangeable 'Mg' was noticed only on 90 DAT (flowering). The combined effect of soil plus foliar spray also significantly increased the DTPA extractable Zn, Cu and Fe in soil.

Key words : Cytozyme granules, Banana, Nutrient availability, Soil


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