Madras Agricultural Journal
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Choice of parents for number of primary branches in bunch groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.ssp.fastigiata.Waldron.)


                                The estimated variance due to GCA was higher than SCA indicating the predominance of additive gene action for number of primary branches. The general combining ability effects revealed that ICGS 44 and ALR 2 were the good general combiners for this trait. The specific combining ability effects revealed that none of the direct crosses were good specific combiners; whereas, five combinations of the reciprocal crosses were good specific combiners indicated the importance of maternal effects for this trait. The component analysis indicated that the dominance was in excess of additive component. Intermating of the segregants or multiple crossing are suggested for the improvement of this trait.

Key words : Groundnut, General combining ability, Specific combining ability, Additive gene action and Non-additive gene action


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