Madras Agricultural Journal
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Prediction of potential yield of rice across India through simulation modelling


                                An analysis of rice growth and its performance (ev IR 72) across India by a simulation study utilizing the historical mean weather data confirms that rice could be cultivated throughout India. The potential grain yields vary from 9.34 to 13,98 t ha between 9°08' and 31°25'N latitude. The potential yield is increasing for increasing latitudes (9° to 23°N) and elevation (0 to 900m MSL). The growth duration varies (100 to 146 days) depending upon the geographical location. Suitable times for sowing also varies from all the 12 months in the South to a short period of only 4 months in the North. Optimum time of sowing for most of the locations in India seems around 15-June. It could be concluded that a detailed more realistic prediction is possible by simulation models, provided day wise more precise weather data including solar radiation is available for the testing centers.

Key words : Simulation model. Potential grain yield, Optimum sowing period, Growth duration


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