Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of continuous manurial practices on grain yield and soil chemical properties in a rice based cropping system of Cauvery delta of Tamil Nadu


                                The effect of continuous application of organic, inorganic and biofertilisers on soil fertility and yield of rice was studied in a permanent manurial experiment at Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute (TRRI). Aduthurai. The treatment receiving continuous application of NPK at 125:50:50 kg ha-1 in Kurivai and 150:60:60 kg ha-1 in Tahaladi scason along with green manure at 6.25 t ha-1 in Kuruvai and at 12.5t ha-1 of FYM in Thaladi and gypsum at 500 kg ha-1 both in Kuruvai and Thaladi seasons respectively registered significantly higher grain yield in both seasons consecutively for five years (1992-1996). At the end of the 10th rice crop in fifth year, the soil physico chemical properties like pH, EC, organic C, available N. P and K were found not affected. This study also indicated the need for integrated approach on fertilisation for sustaining rice productivity in Cauvery Delta Zone.

Key words : Permanent manurial experiment, Cropping system, Soil chemical properties


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