Madras Agricultural Journal
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Intercropping systems and weed management practices on yield and nutrient uptake of crops and weeds in irrigated sorghum


                                Field experiments were conducted during summer and rabi 1995 on CO 26 sorghum at Agricultrual College and Research Institute, Killikulam to find out the effect of intercropping systems and weed control methods on yield and nutrient uptake of sorghum and weeds. The results revealed that sole sorghum recorded higher nutrient uptake than sorghum in intercropping system. Metolachlor @ 1.0 kg. ha+one hoeing on 40 DAS caused lowest uptake of nutrients by weeds and highest yields and uptake of nutrients by sorghum. Intercropping system of sorghum + blackgram recorded higher sorghum grain yield than sorghum cowpea intercropping system.

Key words : Sorghum, Blackgram. Cowpea, Intercropping, Nutrient uptake


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