Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evaluation of variability parameters, character association and genetic distance in Triticum durum genetic stocks


                                Genetic diversity was assessed in 42 genetic stocks of Triticum durum on the basis of 10 quantitative characters. High magnitude of variation was reflected by a wide range values for all the characters. Six characters i.e., days to heading, plant height, productive tillers per plant, 1000 grain weight, protein content and sedimentation value showed high heritability value which means that these characters are likely to respond to direct selection. Low correlation between 1000 grain weight and yield indicated that the role of 1000 grain weight in enhancing yield appeared to be limited in case of durum wheat and the two traits were behaving independently. Low negative correlation of yield with protein (-0.18) and no correlation with sedimentation value indicate the possibility of evolving varieties with high yield along with high protein content and strong gluten strength. Clusters formed revealed the absence of relationship between geographical distances and genetic divergence. Crossing between cultivars belonging to clusters I. V, VI and VII is expected to give mazimum extent of heterosis for yield.

Key words : Wheat, Triticum durum, Genetic stocks, Variability and Genetic divergence


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