Madras Agricultural Journal
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Techno - econimics of watershed management - A case study


                                The Vagpura watershed in Jhadole Tehsil of Udaipur District, Rajasthan was undertaken for preparing an economical design plan of conservation measures and estimating benefit cost ratio. For the proposed watershed, location and site specific soil and water conservation measures. like contour bunding, stone wall terracing, contour furrows, pasture development, grass waterway, diversion channel, earthen embankment reservoir for water harvesting are recommended. Cost analysis of the proposed measures resulted that; total cost for development of watershed comes out to be Rs. 3469 per hectare. Benefit cost ratio analysed by economical and financial evaluation methods was found to be 1.6:1 and 1.38:1 respectively.

Key words : Water shed, Conservation measures, Water harvesting


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