Madras Agricultural Journal
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Efficient nutrient management for late rabi rice


                                Field experiments were conducted during late rabi season of 1997-'98 and 1998- '99 at A.C&R.I., Madurai, to study the nutrient management practices under late transplanted condition of rabi rice. Application of recommended N and K (150 and 50 kg ha-1 each) in four splits nutrient foliar spray + Sesbania rostrata as intercrop + SSB registered significantly higher yield attributes and grain (6388 and 6534 kg ha-1), straw yields (8281 and 8276 kg ha) during 1997-'98 and 1998-'99 respectively

Key words : Rice, Late rabi, N & K, Split application, Nutrients, Foliar spray, Sesbania rostrata, SSB, Yield


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