Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of potassium and irrigation regimes on sheath moisture,physiological parameters and cane yield


                                Experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore to study the effect of potassium and moisture regimes on sheath moisture, physiological parameters and cane yield. Four irrigation regimes and six levels of K application were accommodated in split plot design, replicated thrice. Results revealed that sheath moisture content was optimum with irrigation scheduled at 0.75 IW/CPE ratio during tillering and grand growth phase (11). Even with restricted irrigation regimes, there was optimum sheath moisture index of 80 to 82 per cent at early growth phase, 80 per cent at grand growth phase and 77 to 78 per cent at ripening and maturity phases. Further reduction in irrigation level (13), caused a reduction in sheath moisture content and cane yield. The results on physiological parameters of sugarcane revealed that irrigation scheduled at 0.75 IW/CPE ratio during tillering and grand growth phase (11) recorded higher DMP and LAI. Under early drought conditions, application of 168 Kg K2O/ ha or application of 112 Kg K2O har+ 2.5 per cent foliar spray of KC at 45, 75 and 105 DP recorded more dry matter production (DMP) and leaf area index (LAI).

Key words : Sugarcane, Irrigation regimes, K application, Sheath moisture, Dry matter production, Leaf area index, Cane yield


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