Madras Agricultural Journal
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Growth and yield of rice fallow gram as influenced by methods of sowing, stubble management and nutrient application in Tambiraparani command area


                                The influence of various methods of sowing, stubble management and nutrient application for rice fallow green gram has been studied at Agricultural College and Research Institute farm Killikulam during 1998-99. The treatment consisting of dibbling green gram seeds as rice fallow in rice stubbles immediately after the harvest of the rice with stubbles cut and mulched over soil along with basal N and P application @ 12.5:25 kg ha-1 and two per cent DAP spray twice produced higher green gram yield of 691 kg ha-1 which accounts 165 per cent increased yield over conventional method of raising rice fallow pulses.

Key words : Rice fallow, Sowing methods, Stubble, Foliar spray


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