Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evaluation of coated DAP and nimin coated urea on available P status of wetland rice soil


                                To evaluate the efficiency of coated DAP in rice variety ADT 36 (Short duration: 105-110 days in Kuruvai season) and Nimin coated urea in rice variety IR 20 (Medium duration: 130-135 days in late samba season), two field experiments were conducted on a low P available loamy sand soil (Udic Ustropept) at Agricultural Research Station, Bhavanisagar during the period 1997-98. Phosphorus was applied at levels 100, 80 and 60 per cent of recommended Pas coated and uncoated DAP and recommended dose of N was coated with Nimin. The treatments receiving coated DAP in first experiment, coated DAP along with Nimin coated urea in second experiment recorded the higher availability of P than uncoated fertilizers.

Key words : Coated DAP. Uncoated DAP. Nimin coated urea, Available P


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