Madras Agricultural Journal
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Vamban 3 Blackgram : A yellow mosaic resistant variety


                                The black gram genotype VBG 18 is a cross derivative from LBG 402 X LBG 17. It matures in 65-70 days. This culture rcorded high seed yield in station trials, multilocation trials and adaptive research trials. The average seed yield is about 775 and 826 kg/ha respectively in irrigated and rainfed conditions. The highest yield potential is 1800 kg/ha. It showed resistance to yellow mosaic virus disease and moderate resistance to powdery mildew and pod borer damage. Hence, the culture VBG 18 is released as Vamban 3 black gram for commercial cultivation in Tamil Nadu during 2000.

Key words : Vamban 3 black gram, High yield, Resistance, Yellow mosaic disease


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