Madras Agricultural Journal
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Combining ability analysis in Black gram (Vigna mungo L.)


                                A study was conducted in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hopper) to assess the combining ability of the parents as well as hybrids involving 5 lines and 5 testers crossed in LxT pattern. The GCA/SCA ratio has indicated that all the ten characters studied were found to be predominantly controlled by non- additive genes. The parents UH 80-9 and PDU 1 revealed high GCA effects for most of the characters, followed by COBG 302 and COBG 301. Among the hybrids PDU 1 x COBG 9 for days to 50 per cent flowering, Pant U-30 x COBG 301 for seed yield and PDU 1 x COBG 301 for seed protein exhibited the highest SCA effects coupled with high per sc performance.

Key words : : SCA and GCA Variance SCA and GCA.


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