Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evaluation of Safflower Germplasm


                                Twenty five safflower genotypes were evaluated at Agricultural Research Station, Tandur during Rabi 2014-15 to determine the genetic divergence and relationship among yield and yield components. The genetic parameters like divergence, genotypic and phenotypic variability, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance were studied along with correlation coefficient and path analysis for seed yield, oil content and the component traits of safflower. Broad sense heritability estimates and genetic advance as per cent of mean (5%) was the highest for 100-seed weight followed by seed yield/plant. Significant and positive correlation was observed between seed yield/plant and number of seeds/capsule and 100-ssed weight. Path coefficient analysis indicated that 100-seed weight followed by number of seeds/ capsule exhibited the maximum direct effect on seed yield/plant. The genotypes were grouped into four different clusters based on Mahalonobis D2 statistics. Seed yield/plant contributed to the maximum genetic divergence followed by 100-seed weight among the genotypes studied.

Key words : Safflower, Genetic divergence, Path coefficient analysis, Correlation


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