Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of ferrogypsum on yield, nutrient uptake and quality in groundnut


                                The present investigation was undertaken to study the efficacy of ferrogypsum on yield, quality and nutrient uptake in groundnut. Ferrogypsum is a byproduct from the titanium industry and it contains gypsum (52.63%) and iron (10.24% as Fe,O,). Field experiment was conducted on a calcareous red soil with groundnut to evaluate the efficacy of ferrogypsum in comparison with gypsum + FeSO, (as soil application and foliar spray). The results revealed that application of ferrogypsum in amounts equivalent to recommended dose (400 kg/ha) of gypsum significantly increased the pod and haulm yield, quality, nutrient content and uptake in groundnut. This beneficial effect was similar to those obtained with the application of gypsum + FeSO, (FeSO4 as either soil application of foliar spray). Thus the results of the present study indicated that ferrogypsum was as effective as gypsum in increasing pod, haulm yield and oil and protein content and nutrient uptake in groundnut crop grown on a calcareous soil.

Key words : ferrogypsum, Iron nutrition, Sulphur source


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