Madras Agricultural Journal
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Residual effect of tillage systems coupled with organics on soli physical properties after groundnut (Var Co 2 ) in a sandy clay loam having sub soil hard pan


                                A field experiment was conducted to study the residual effect of tillage practices and organics on physical properties in a Typic Haplustalf having hard pan at shallow depth on groundnut crop after sorghum as the main crop. The results revealed that the bulk density was increased to 1.84 Mg m at harvest from the initial value of 1.67 Mg m' after the harvest of main crop of sorghum. Neither the different tillage treatments nor the organics influenced the hydraulic conductivity of soil. The depth alone influenced the parameter and the surface layer registered significantly higher value than the sub surface layers. Different tillage and organic treatments did not influence the total porosity. However, an increase in porosity was evident registering the highest value of $0.23 per cent in the surface layer (0-15 cm) which was significantly superior over other depths.

Key words : Tillage practices, Organic manures. Bulk density, Hydraulic conductivity, Pore size distribution


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