p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:88, Issue:jan-mar
DOI: two year field study on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) based inter cropping systems conducted at Regional Research Station, Aruppukottai revealed that planting of component crops at 3:1 ratio under replacement series was optimum for better growth, increased sunflower grain yield equivalent (1019 kg har') and higher net income (Rs. 6392 kg ha¹) with higher benefit cost ratio (2.69). The yield of sunflower component increased from 718.7 to 805.9 kg ha as planting row ratio gets widened from 2:1 to 4:1 ratio. The yield of intercrops reduced by 17.7 and 33.8 per cent in 3:1 ratio and 4:1 ratio as compared to 2:1 ratio. Among the intercropping systems, sunflower + sesame had recorded the highest mean grain yield equivalent (1082.6 kg ha), mean net income (Rs. 6942 kg ha) coupled with maximum benefit cost ratio (2.87) compared to other intercropping systems. The yield advantage in sunflower + sesame intercropping system was mainly due to efficient utilizaiton of water under rainfed situation.
Key words : Sunflower, Red gram, Sesame. Bengal gram, Intercropping system
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