Madras Agricultural Journal
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Co (S) 28 - A high yielding shor duration sorghum variety suited for Tamil Nadu


                                The sorghum culture TNS 296 (CO 25 x SPV 942) was released as a high yielding new sorghum variety CO (S) 28. It matures in 100-105 days and possesses a tall plant type. The plant remains green at maturity and non-lodging. It recorded an average grain yield of 2493 kg ha under rainfed condition which was 23.4 and 22.7 per cent more over the checks CO 26 and APK1 respectively. Its average grain yield under irrigated condition was 2568 kg ha'. CO (S) 28 was moderately resistant to grain mould disease and moderately susceptible to shoot fly

Key words : Sorghum, CO (S) 28, Resistance, Grain mould, Shoot fly.


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