Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Combining ability in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L) Leeke)


                                A total of 30 crosses was obtained by crossing five male sterile lines with six restorers in line x tester mating design. Crosses and parents were studied for their combining ability in five characters in pearl millet. Based on mean performance and gca effect male sterile line ICMA 92333 and the restorers PT 5567, PT 5590 were identified as the best general combiners for yield contributing characters. Hybrids viz. ICMA 92333 X PT 5595, 405A x PT 5590 and ICMA 91777 X PT 5590 were screened as best for grain yield per plant based on per se performance and sca effects.

Key words : Combining ability, gca effect, sca effect


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