Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of nitrogen levels on growth and yield of rice (SSRC 91216 (TRY 2)) under sodic soil conditions


                                Field experiments were conducted during Thaladi season (October-January) of 1998-99 and 1999-2000 on sodic tolerant short duration rice variety TRY 2 (SSRC 91216) with five levels of nitrogen (0, 75, 100, 125 and 150 kg ha) to study the optimum level of N required to produce the maximum yield under sodic soil conditions. The results revealed that there was significant increase in plant height, leaf area index, drymatter production, panicle number, filled grains/panicle, straw and grain yields with an increase in the level of N from 0 to 125 kg ha'. Further increase upto 150 kg N ha did not show any significant increase in the growth and yield parameters observed. Application of 125 kg N ha-1 produced the highest grain yield of 5.15 and 5.51 t ha-1 during 1998-99 and 1999- 2000, respectively. Agronomic N use efficiency, nitrogen uptake at various growth stages were found to be maximum at 125 kg N ha'.

Key words : Nitrogen levels, Grain yield, Nitrogen use efficiency.


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