Madras Agricultural Journal
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COCu H8: A high yielding downy mildew resistant pearl millet hybrid


                                The pearl millet hybrid TNBH 5635 is a cross between 732 A and PT 4550, was developed at the Department of Millets, Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, TNAU, Coimbatore. This new hybrid recorded a mean grain yield of 2841 kg ha-1 under rainfed condition and 3682 kg ha-1 under irrigated conditions. This hybrid exhibited resistance to downy mildew disease. It has acceptable cooking quality. Hence the culture TNBH 5635 was released as COCu H 8 pearl millet hybrid for commercial cultivation in Tamil Nadu.

Key words : Pearl Millet, Hybrid, Downy mildew, Resistance.


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