Madras Agricultural Journal
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CO 6 Greengram: A high yielding yellow mosanic resistant variety


                                The greengram genotyope COGG 902 is a hybrid derivative of WGG 37 x CO 5. The culture recorded an average seed yield of 982 kg ha" with 25.4, 20.4 and 20.7 per cent increased yield over Vamban 1 (783 kg ha'), CO 5 (815 kg ha¹) and KM 2 (814 kg ha) respectively. It showed resistance to yellow mosaic virus. It is suited for sowing during June-July, Sept-Oct, and Feb-March in all the districts of Tamil Nadu except Nilgiris and Kanyakumari. Hence the culture COGG 902 was released as CO 6 green gram for commercial cultivation in Tamil Nadu during 1999.

Key words : CO.6 Green gram, Resistance, Yellow mosaic virus disease


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